Home Lifestyle Health Five First Aid For Scorpion Bite

Five First Aid For Scorpion Bite


Scorpions are very deadly insects and though they vary in sizes and level of venom, a sting from them can be life threatening depending on the human.

Their venom when they sting is almost similar to that of a snake as it travels fast to the heart and while the scorpion’s venom might not particularly life threatening, it is advisable to still know what to do.

1. Disinfectant the area: The first thing is to clean the site of the sting with soap and water, or just a clean cloth and water.

2. Elevate the area: This helps prevent the venom from traveling faster to the heart, so it is advisable to put the injured hand at the same level of the heart.

3. Apply ice or a cold compress to the area: Tvis helps reduce the throbbing pain you might be feeling and will also reduce swelling.

4. Use an antihistamine or corticosteroid on the affected area.

5. Take any over-the-counter pain relieve you can find, such as acetaminophen or paracetamol to further reduce the pain.

Keep in mind that on no account should one use sleeping tablet or anything to induce sleep as it might lead to death due to low heartbeat already caused by the venom.

Sleeping medicine might slow it down further .

In case of an allergy reaction or pain and swelling doesn’t subside, One can visit the hospital or your nearest clinic for a tetanus booster shot and also get medicine to stop an allergic reaction.


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